As a specialist for brushes, brooms, household articles as well as for painters and ceiling brushes, we have made it our business to reliably supply demanding customers with first-class products.
With the two companies Michael Jäckel Erzgebirgische Bürstenfabrik GmbH and J&S Kunststofftechnik GmbH we have optimal conditions. Both the production of the required plastic parts and the manufacture of the goods can be realized within the group of companies.
Every day we produce more than 80.000 articles (brooms, brushes etc.) and supply renowned dealers all over Europe and the Middle East. The majority of our customers, including well-known DIY stores, wholesalers and drugstore chains, are located in Germany.
Since commercial administration and sales are centrally controlled within the group of companies, a competent contact person is available to you at any time. We are looking forward to your inquiry.
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